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DIY Beer Sled….

So being “snowed in” can be fun.  Besides trekking around the city taking photographs and throwing snowballs, it is a good excuse to watch movies, cook a new recipe, enjoy neighborhood friends and, of course, drink beer.  So, Carl & I realized that we were running low on our supply and needed to go to the distributor.  Luckily one isn’t too far from us.  However, with our cars officially stuck in the snow, carrying 2 cases of beer over our shoulders and back to the house seemed daunting.  Carl said something like, “I wish we had a sled”.  To which I replied, “we just used trashcan lids as kids”.  Problem solved.  We grabbed a drill, poked a hole through the lid and threaded the rope.  We picked up 2 favorites.  Yards Pale Ale (my very favorite local and “drinkable” beer) as well as a case of Ommegang’s Hennepin, a Belgian inspired Ale from New York.  A bit pricey, but sooo good.  We got lots of hoots and hollers and at least one “good thinking!”.

Without further ado, here is Carl taking a break from pulling the beer sled.  I helped by taking photographs.  🙂

snow sled